Friday, December 27, 2019

Discrimination The Comfortable Kid - 1404 Words

Discrimination is a term that is closely associated with many horrible things such as violence, wars, and (worst of all) politics. Although it can be argued that outright discrimination is slowly being eliminated, a new term has emerged that describes the newer, less direct, form of social inequality that is replacing the usual discrimination. Microaggressions are outlets of showing underlying prejudice without specifically attacking something. By definition, microaggressions are too small to be addressed from a disciplinary point of view, but, by looking at specific examples of microaggressions in higher education, one concludes that microaggressions must be attacked by raising awareness through discussion in academia. Due to the relative newness of microaggressions as a discussion topic in human social affairs the definition can differ when used in different contexts. Hoover defines microaggressions as â€Å"†¦ a subtle conveyance of bias or stereotype...† in â€Å"The Comfortable Kid† (106.) Boysen’s article, â€Å"Teacher and Student Perceptions of Microaggressions in College Classrooms,† which uses the definition of â€Å"subtle slights and insults that are offensive but largely unintentional† for microaggression (123,) is slightly different yet follows the same main points. Contrastingly in â€Å"A Critical Analysis of Anti-Discrimination Law and Microaggressions in Academia† microaggressions are avenues used to physically discriminate against minorities that are more the result of aShow MoreRelatedEssay about Solving Racism Yesterday and Today676 Words   |  3 Pagesfeel hate and superiority towards them. Not owning slaves anymore was not enough to erase the feelings whites had towards blacks. Since then, there has been segregation and negative feelings between the two races. 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People are discriminated against because of reasons such as race, ethnicity, religion, looks, sex, sexual orientation, class, and other ridiculous reasons. I feel that if discrimination could be eradicated, then this world would be a peacefulRead MoreParents Extinguish The Gender Role Fire938 Words   |  4 Pagesgirls and cars for boys however the times have changed and some people feel that gender roles have restricted our society rather than benefited it. Parents are the first to restrict their children to conforming and being a certain way. They tell their kids that they can be anything then undermine that by not allowing them to see diverse gender roles. For example according to the website, showing â€Å"men and women in non-stereotypical and diverse gender roles like male nurses, femaleRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Open City 1127 Words   |  5 PagesThe Role of Discrimination in Open City In the novel Open City by Teju Cole, the main character Julius is a multiracial man. Throughout the novel, it became evident that one of his flaws was that he seemed to have a problem forming relationships with others. The main reason for this was because of the abundance of discrimination in the world. Many individuals judge one another based on their race, religion, ethnicities, etc. Julius’s thoughts and actions show the extremely negative impact that judgingRead MoreThe Importance Of Same Sex Love And Homosexual Activity1484 Words   |  6 Pagesaccepted or oppressed, in every documented culture. It is true that society has come a long way when it comes to the acceptance of LGBTQ, but could it be accepted to a greater degree? The Civil Rights Movement is mostly known for outlawing racial discrimination. We learn about that movement throughout our whole education. However, what we don t learn is that activists Frank Kameny and Barbara Gittings led the first gay rights dem onstration taking place in Philadelphia and Washington, DC during this

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Career Phases Of A Nurse s Career Essay - 917 Words

Discussion Assignment: Please initiate your post with your last name followed by CL-05. You will need to post your responses to my initial post questions by Day 4 (Sunday) by 1159PM and reply to a minimum of two peers by Day 6 (Tuesday) by 1159PM. Have fun and be creative. Complete Case Study # 1 – Leadership in the West Wing on p.664 of Longest Darr 6th ed. Shirley (2009) (cited by Marquis Huston, 2012) delineates career phases for nurses: †¢ Promise- This stage is the early career phase. The nurse is inexperienced. There is a focus on building expertise, socialization, and determining career goals. †¢ Momentum - This stage is in the middle of a nurse’s career. The nurse is experienced, has mastery of skills, and accomplishments. One can become stagnate in this stage. †¢ Harvest - This stage is in late in a nurse’s career. The nurse has a legacy of accomplishments and expertise. This nurse looks for new ways to contribute to the profession. Use the three stages identified by Shirley (2009). What stage best represents your position in nursing? After reflecting on Shirley s (2009) career phases, I consider myself in the Momentum stage. I have been a nurse practitioner for the past 18 years; therefore, I consider myself experienced in my clinical and judgement skills as a nurse practitioner. I have enjoyed being a nurse practitioner, but our current healthcare system has triggered the need for a new career change as well as a new challenge. Hence the reasonShow MoreRelatedEconomics and the Role of the Retiree1426 Words   |  6 Pagesdiscuss the different phases of retirement and how those phases would effect a nurse’s retirement plan. It is critical for to start preparing for retirement early, this will maximize retirement income and at what age they will be able to retire. Currently seniors are cautious about their retirement, but due to economics and poor planning some seniors will not be financially thriving and lack financial security. Phases of Retirement Like many professionals nurses us the traditional gradualRead MoreThe s Role Of The American Nurse Association ( Ana )713 Words   |  3 Pagesvilified throughout the 50-year span of her career. During her Rutgers tenure, Peplau traveled and lectured widely on psychiatric nursing, consulting with other academic institutions and government agencies, and serving on national and international committees. She served as both executive director and as president of the American Nurse Association (ANA), the only person to ever hold both positions. In 1942, Peplau enlisted in the U.S. Army Nurse Corps and was assigned to a psychiatric hospitalRead MoreThe Effects Of Patient On Nurse Ratios1599 Words   |  7 Pagespatient-to-nurse ratios have on adverse outcomes, mortality rates, and failure-to-rescue rates of patients and on job dissatisfaction and burnout experiences of nurses. Aiken, Sloane, Sochalski, and Silber (2002) performed a study which showed that each additional patient per nurse increased patient mortality within 30 days of admission by 7% and increased failure-to-rescue by 7% as well. This same study also showed that each additional patient per nurse resulted in a 23% increase in nurse burnout andRead MoreNursing Shortage For Many Years860 Words   |  4 Pagesmany years. The pattern seems to be repetitive, high demand for nurses followed by phases of downsizing with a surplus of nurses. The earlier years of the nursing shortage was short compared to today’s current nursing shortage. 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Nurses try to help theirRead MoreThe Interpersonal Theory Of Hildegard Peplau773 Words   |  4 PagesPeplau, like most nurses, believed that nursing was an act of healing and helping those who are sick and need care. She thought that nursing at its core was an interpersonal process between two people, the nurse and the patient. The reason that the two parties interact is for the common goal of making the sick patient well again. The patient is a person who is sick and has a need, and the nurse is someone who can f ulfill that need. Throughout the relationships stages, the nurse takes on differentRead MoreNursing Socialization Essay1302 Words   |  6 Pagessocialization of nursing and the important role that it plays in staff retention. The goal of business’s that employee nurses are to not only retain staff but to keep them happy and satisfied as well. I have included several examples of how to do this. I have also included examples of the attitudes and values of a well socialized nurse and how this affects not only the nurse herself but her coworkers as well. The importance of a well trained, encouraging preceptor and the role this person playsRead MoreClinical And Management Of Nursing1053 Words   |  5 Pagesa professional nurse with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN). One advancement opportunity with a BSN is that you have more flexible hour. While most Registered Nurses (RN) work on 12-hour shifts, with the BSN you are more equipped with education and therefore, better prepared for the numerous jobs that are out here. With the BSN nurses are better trainedRead MoreThes Theory Of Interpersonal Relations Theory1737 Words   |  7 Pagesmajor concept of this theory was the significance of the patient-nurse relationship. Peplau’s theory introduced many new ideas such as self-awareness, personal identity, and individuality that became dominant concepts in nursing. Her interpersonal relations theory became an important framework for nursing work. Peplau’s interpersonal relations model includes four phases and suggests that each nurse has seven distinct roles. As a nurse, it is important to understand the importance of this theory andRead MoreIda Jean Orlando-Pelletier’s Nursing Theory1735 Words   |  7 Pagesborn in New Jersey in 1926 to Italian immigrant parents. After being reared during the Great Depression, Orlando’s mother disagreed with her decision to pursue an education in nursing and expressed her preference that she become a home maker. (The Nurse Theorists: Portraits of Excellence). Mrs. Orlando received her nursing diploma from New York Medical College in 1947. Prior to her next degree, she worked in the maternity ward of a now-defunct hospital where she witnessed poor treatment of the patients

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Single Mothers and Single Fathers in Society free essay sample

Single Mothers and Fathers are viewed differently. Single Mothers and Single Fathers are very common in present society. Both may have similar responsibilities but are quite differently viewed in society eyes. Single parenting is becoming a mainstay of our culture, and it is interesting to see the effects parenting singles have on American life. Single Mothers and Single Fathers share similar responsibilities in raising a child or children. Both share the responsibility of taking care of the child or children financially. The single parent must provide financially by having a dwelling for them to live in, put food in the children’s stomachs, provide medical, and stability for the child or children. Although the non-custodial parent may pay child support this is not enough to provide for the child or children financially. A Single parent must provide emotional and physical well-being for the child or children. Whether it be the child being picked on at school or doing badly in an athletic event. We will write a custom essay sample on Single Mothers and Single Fathers in Society or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Emotional and physical well-being can be challenging for some single parents, especially if one is of the children are the opposite sex of the parent. A single parent must also provide social and intellectual support to for the child or children, this can become challenging in the teenage years for both single mothers and single fathers. As the child or children get older they face challenges at school or in social settings in general. Single Mothers and Single Fathers also face different challenges in society. Single fathers face challenges different from single mothers. Often people’s thoughts and attitudes are negative and somewhat bias. In schools, doctor’s office, as well as, any type of state agency the treatment toward a male single parent is different. All too common the reaction is, he is a man and we do not trust you. Then what if your child or children are female? That brings about the whole issue of gender and growing up. Most people think that men cannot cook or clean like a woman can. Doctor visits, schools, and state agencies are a different problem, especially for single fathers. The child support office offers little help to single fathers. The child support office seems to act as if it is not as big a deal as single mothers, stated by a friend. Also, the issue of gender is the most challenging for a single father. There are some aspects a single father cannot do for girls which only a mother can. Most of it is in the teenage years after they reach puberty. Single Father cannot give a woman’s point of view for thoughts on relationships, how to do hair, make up, and clothes. They need a role model and an example to go by in order to know how to be a young lady, which is difficult for single fathers to teach them. A single mother is sometimes viewed as irresponsible or selfish for not staying in a bad marriage for the sake of the children, but a single father parenting is seen as some kind of saint even if he instigated the divorce. Single mothers are often criticized because she did not try to work the marriage out, which sometimes in society makes people think she is a failure. The stereotypes of single mothers parenting are different from those of single fathers parenting. If a single father is late for work because of a child, no one thinks about that being the reason. The employer will assume he hit a traffic jam. If a single mother hits a traffic jam and is late, she is viewed as being less dedicated and every action in the workplace is judged against her role as a single mother. It is assumed she must have been late because she was caring for one of her children. Society definitely stereotypes between a single father and a single mother. One is no better than the other but in the world we live in presently, people are very judgmental. Society looks at single parents much more differently than they should. Whatever the case, the task of raising a child or children is not any different for single fathers and single mothers, but the challenges they face are certainly different. Single parents have a hard enough time as is without being judged or stereotyped. In the present-day there are more single parents than there was years ago, but society does not recognize them the same. Most of it seems to stem from stereotypes in earlier generations, the man works all day and the woman stays at home. Maybe it is just an outright refusal to accept the facts. As a single mother, I see the way Single Mothers and Single Fathers are treated differently, firsthand. I believe the way they are treated differently is unfair to both. Single Mothers and Single Fathers are the same and should be treated equally! References Bestler, K. (n. d. ). Single father parenting. Retrieved from www. singlemoms. net Single parenting and today’s society. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http://www. parenting-with-positive-thinking. com/Single-parenting. html

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Mall Preferences Essay Essay Example

Mall Preferences Essay Essay Mall Attractiveness and Shopping Preferences is a survey conducted to happen out what variables attract shoppers to a promenade. their penchants and how mall operators should see this important analysis to implement an effectual scheme to place their scheme. The survey involved five major shopping promenades in Davao City: SM City Davao. NCCC promenade of Davao. Gaisano Mall of Davao. Gaisano South City Mall and Victoria Plaza. Factor analysis is applied for this survey and complimented by a bunch analysis of the demographic features of the respondents. The respondents composed of promenade shoppers who were every bit apportioned across the promenades and clustered harmonizing to categorizations: Traditional shoppers. Finish Shoppers and Enthusiastic shoppers. The consequence of the survey reveals that SM City of Davao is good positioned in pulling shoppers. the promenade is favored by clients in footings of promenade statics. service. publicity and amusement. SM is followed closely by NCCC promenade of Davao and Gaisano Mall of Davao. while Gaisano South City promenade and Victoria Plaza were far behind in their market placement and viability. We will write a custom essay sample on Mall Preferences Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Mall Preferences Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Mall Preferences Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Ever since its being. shopping malls become the built-in portion of the shoppers’ life style because of the convenience. amusement and products’ handiness it offers to the consumers. no uncertainty. these constitutions helped heighten the daily life of the people. With several promenades mushroomed in the metropolis in recent old ages. people have given broad picks based on their demands and leisure like where to pass clip adhering with friends and love 1s and where to shop. Promenade operators. due to stiff competitions. must make up ones mind what positioning schemes they would implement to entice consumers and travel in front with their rivals. In this survey. which factor analysis is applied. promenade operators were given an thought what are the important factors that drive shoppers to a shopping promenade. The respondents of this survey. which were exhaustively clustered into three classs. stand for all the socioeconomic categories of the society. which is really specific for the survey to hold an accurate consequence in placing shoppers’ penchants on what promenade attributes they will be easy attracted. The survey. which revealed SM City of Davao as the most preferable followed by NCC promenade of Davao and Gaisano promenade of Davao. Tells exactly the existent and existent sentiments of shoppers in the metropolis on where they would desire to travel to for pleasance and for shopping activities. I do agree with the consequence that Gaisano promenade of Davao ranked high among the top three promenades in footings of handiness because of its propinquity to the downtown country where most pupils and professionals are populating. though the survey revealed that this lead is really slender. it is still a large factor for Gaisano promenade operators to carefully tap their best resources in pulling clients in order to keep its trueness. giving them a competitory border against NCCC and SM in pulling more shoppers. SM City clearly shows its best advantages against rivals because of implementing a good placement and selling scheme. it caters and answers the demands of shoppers why they want to travel to the promenade in the first topographic point. because most of the respondents can be categorized as immature grownups. professionals and fun-loving persons. their penchants are ever be on the amusement. convenience. elegant merchandises and good promenade atmosphere. These shoppers can be easy attracted with a promenade ambiance that is favourable to their lifestyle picks. This consequence of the most preferable promenade in Davao does non follow that most shoppers are monetary value witting. this lone tells that. particularly the immature respondents. most shoppers prefer an constitution that is extremely advanced. friendly. holding cool trade names of merchandises and offers a terrific environment for socialising with friends. Therefore. the recommendations presented is appropriate as immature shoppers are easy attracted to an environment which offers amusement. greater value of ware and fashionable comfortss. but the buying power of the shoppers should non be ignored as shoppers from category C and D are possible market. Promenade operators should besides equilibrate the elements mall atmosphere advanced merchandises and moderate pricing of the ware.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Prince of Persia Essay Example

Prince of Persia Essay Example Prince of Persia Essay Prince of Persia Essay and the relationship is at its final moments. Dastan faced Garsiv there and proposed to him that he was innocent for his father’s murder. The moment his brother realized his uncle’s plan, he is fatally wounded by incoming shards of metal. The Hannassins successfully retrieved the dagger and retreated back to Nizam. Dastan and his companions crept their way inside Alamut to inform Tus and take possession of the dagger. Right here, Dastan and Tamina are at Stage 4: Integrating. Dastan desired to do most things with her and they reflect most common experiences. They also talk and behave similar as if they are one person. Tamina and Dastan are both willing to risk their lives for the sake of Persia and its inhabitants. As they approach Alamut, Seso, one of the allies, volunteered to retrieve the dagger from the Hannassin guard. Seso was able to win back the dagger, but in doing so, his life is lost. Dastan encountered his brother Tus, told him about Nisam’s evil endeavors, and unraveled the dagger and its secret. Dastan impales himself in the heart, hoping that Tus will use the dagger to travel back in time to believe his dying words. Nizam entered the room seeing that Dastan is lying dead in the ground. Nizam demanded the dagger from Tus, but Tus refused and activated the dagger. Through empathy, Tus is able to recognize and share the exact feelings by listening to Dastan’s dying words. Tus went back in time right before Dastan stabbed himself, and they hug momentarily before Nizam appeared and sliced Tus in the throat. This is the first time Dastan and Tus truly shared a â€Å"bonding† moment. Nizam regained the dagger and goes to the bottom of Alamut where he can retrieve unlimited sand to power the dagger to bring him back to a time in which he could become ruler of Persia. Nizam’s relationship with his family utilizes a cost and reward system. For the cost of his brother’s death (King Sharaman) and the nonexistence of his nephews, he will be rewarded with the Crown of Persia. Dastan and Tamina chase after Nizam. The princess lead Dastan to a secret entrance to the Sands of Time, but on their way they encounter many foes. Dastan desperately fought to fend them off. He is nearly defeated, until Tamina boldy emerged for the rescue. Dastan and Tamina finally completed all five stages of Coming Together with Stage 5: Bonding perfectly executed. At the bottom of Alamut, holds a pillar that is made of the Sands of Time. If the dagger were to be stabbed into the pillar, time would rewind until the dagger is removed. Dastan and Tamina strived to stop Nizam from striking a blow to the pillar, but it’s too late. Nizam knocked Tamina into a bottomless pit, and Nizam fused the sacred blade with the sand. Dastan gallantly rushed to the pillar and took hold of the dagger as it bent back time. Luckily, Dastan managed to remove the dagger. After a brief moment, Dastan opened his eyes and was at the gates of Alamut. The attack had been followed through with yet, and was pending until Dastan’s orders were made. Dastan immediately exposed his Uncle Nizam’s betrayal and was able to convince Tus and his army. Nizam is outraged and slipped out a dagger at Dastan’s back. Quickly, Tus whipped out his broad sword into Nizam’s stomach. The future was altered. Now, the relationship of each brother evolved to Stage 5: Bonding of Coming Together, while the dead uncle obviously sat beyond Stage 5: Terminating of Coming Apart. Dastan brought the dagger to Princess Tamina, and all the land was saved by the Prince of Persia. Prince of Persia displays the stages and steps of Coming Together and Coming Apart. Also, the movie points out that a relationship can be gained and reunited through interpersonal concepts and if possible, time travel.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Beware! 10 Things That Can Make You Fail Finals

Beware! 10 Things That Can Make You Fail Finals Finals are the necessary evil of your college experience. Like a bad roommate, they seem like all their good for is ruining your sleep, stressing you out, and making it impossible to do anything fun. The problem is, if you’re not proactive about kicking your finals in the butt, they’re going to get you first. The best way to succeed at finals is the rule know your enemy. Find out the ways that you can end up being unprepared for your finals – and work on a strategy of avoiding these things and nailing your final exams like a pro. Bad Sleep Many students study for a test the night before and most of them dont do that effectively. If you’re up all night playing Call of Duty, seven days a week, you’re setting yourself up for failure. Not only is it bad for your study habits (unless you’re studying for your â€Å"21st Century Weaponry† course), but it’s taxing for your brain. Be smart and leave your late-night shooting sessions for after finals week. Tip: Try to get a really good night’s rest at least 2 nights before your exam. Get at least 6 hours of sleep the night before the big day. Choose the best time to study for finals. Bad Food You’re trying to keep your whole system going on just Red Bull and pizza? You’re setting yourself up for a fall. High calorie, low-nutrient foods like these make it more difficult for your neurons to fire, which means that you’re not thinking as well as you could be. Do your brain a favor and eat brain-boosting food before exam. Tip: Eat protein-rich food before exam. Include eggs, nuts, yogurt, milk and whole-grain cereal in your pre-exam breakfast and you will feel increase in energy and brain activity. Bad Friends Anyone who is coming around your apartment during finals week and being loud and obnoxious is not really your friend. You need to eliminate all the excess noise, commotion, and stress while you’re trying to prep for these important tests and projects. Tip:Tell your insensitive friends to take a hike – until the week is over. Avoid people who are too nervous about finals dont let them making you nervous as well. Remember that solitude and quite music is better than loud company and destructive, negative mood of your roommate before exams. Bad Media Every time you sit down to write that final paper, what do you end up doing for hours? Probably, Facebook, Twitter, or online videos of some sort. These will undermine your chance for success, mostly because it is so easy to waste hours of vital prep time on them. Tip: Turn off your social media with an app like AntiSocial. Bad Studying Are you spinning your wheels highlighting frantically and trying to rote memorize historical dates? Research shows that highlighting alone is not effective for gathering information, especially during short-term cram sessions. Tip: Study smarter by skimming texts, creating interactive memory banks, or putting your information to music. Bad Cheating If you’re stressed out and unprepared, cheating might look like an awfully good idea. Cheating is a high-risk, low-reward activity that might get you flunked out of your class or out of your college for good. Tip: Instead of cheating, take some time and buckle down to your studies. You’ll learn more and be able to actually finish your degree. Bad Relationships Does it seem like your significant other starts to get pouty around finals week? Do you get into more arguments when he or she feels like you’re spending too much time studying? This person, while undeniably hot, is not good for you during finals week. Tip: Talk to them ahead of time and explain how important it is for you to focus. If they throw a fit, maybe it’s time to take a break – they clearly don’t have your best interests in mind. Bad Teachers Rarely, you’ll get a teacher who is just no good. This person might not know the material, or they may just give you a final that has nothing to do with the coursework they’ve been presenting for the past 3 months. Tip: If you get a test that is completely out of the ballpark (or that is poorly written, communicated, or graded), don’t be afraid to go to your counselor and the department chair. It’s likely that the teacher is tanking many more students and needs to be reprimanded. Bad Attendance There is a small group of students who think that they are so smart, they don’t really need to show up for class in order to get a good final grade. Not true. Many colleges actually factor your attendance into your final grade. And, there are often many questions on the final that come directly from the lectures. Tip: Make sure you’re there every chance you get so you have a better chance of acing the exam. Bad Anxiety Nothing tanks your finals score like feeling you’re going to fail. If you have test-taking anxiety issues, it’s likely you will freeze up during the test. Tip: Consider some positive affirmations or stress-relieving activities beforehand. Also, talk with your teacher about possible alternative settings or options so that you don’t freeze during the exam. Have any other tips or suggestions? Go ahead and share them in the comments below!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How does globalization affect women Research Paper

How does globalization affect women - Research Paper Example The end of the Cold WÐ °r Ð °nd developments in finÐ °nce Ð °nd technology combined to quÐ °litÐ °tively chÐ °nge the gÐ °me during the pÐ °st ten yeÐ °rs. The fÐ °ilure of Soviet communism becÐ °me the triumph of free mÐ °rket democrÐ °cy, Ð °s formerly closed mÐ °rkets opened Ð °nd cÐ °pitÐ °l poured in Ð °t Ð ° previously unimÐ °ginÐ °ble rÐ °te. In Ð °ddition, the election of President Clinton in 1992 put Ð ° free mÐ °rket enthusiÐ °st in the White House. The world hÐ °s never seen Ð °nything like the flow of cÐ °pitÐ °l during the eight yeÐ °rs of his presidency. GlobÐ °lizÐ °tion hÐ °s drÐ °mÐ °ticÐ °lly increÐ °sed world income, but it hÐ °s Ð °lso increÐ °sed the polÐ °rizÐ °tion between the "hÐ °ves" Ð °nd "hÐ °ve-nots." This is pÐ °rt of Ð ° longer term trend, beginning Ð °fter World WÐ °r II. In other words, mÐ °rkets Ð °re soÐ °ring to new highs Ð °nd plunging to new lows, bouncing from one to the other fÐ °ster--Ð °nd less predictÐ °bly--thÐ °n ever before, Ð °nd drÐ °gging others with them, sometimes with ruinous consequences. Ð s free trÐ °de hÐ °s been extended to smÐ °ller countries with less regulÐ °tory infrÐ °structure Ð °nd experience with cÐ °pitÐ °l, this unprecedented cÐ °pitÐ °l flow often hÐ °s wound up in incompetent Ð °nd unsupervised hÐ °nds. In 1996, for exÐ °mple, the ThÐ °i Minister of Justice Ð °ccused his fellow cÐ °binet members of tÐ °king $90 million in bribes for bÐ °nk licenses. In Ð °ddition to widespreÐ °d corruption Ð °nd cronyism, wild investment schemes Ð °nd Ð ° shÐ °ky economy contributed to the 1997 collÐ °pse of the ThÐ °i bÐ °ht. But there were contributing fÐ °ctors outside of ThÐ °ilÐ °nd Ð °nd beyond ThÐ °i control. ... In ddition, the election of President Clinton in 1992 put free mrket enthusist in the White House. The world hs never seen nything like the flow of cpitl during the eight yers of his presidency. Globliztion hs drmticlly incresed world income, but it hs lso incresed the polriztion between the "hves" nd "hve-nots." This is prt of longer term trend, beginning fter World Wr II. In other words, mrkets re soring to new highs nd plunging to new lows, bouncing from one to the other fster--nd less predictbly--thn ever before, nd drgging others with them, sometimes with ruinous consequences. s free trde hs been extended to smller countries with less regultory infrstructure nd experience with cpitl, this unprecedented cpitl flow often hs wound up in incompetent nd unsupervised hnds. In 1996, for exmple, the Thi Minister of Justice ccused his fellow cbinet members of tking $90 million in bribes for bnk licenses. In ddition to widespred corruption nd cronyism, wild investment schemes nd shky economy contributed to the 1997 collpse of the Thi bht. But there were contributing fctors outside of Thilnd nd beyond Thi control. Finncil institutions plyed criticl role through unrestrined specultion nd hedge funds. The G7, the seven mjor industrilized sttes, remined oblivious to the looming disster--despite Jpn's wrning--nd filed to ddress the emergency when it becme impossi ble to ignore. 2. Culture It is not just dollrs tht re flowing freely round the world, but Western culture --constitutionlism nd Coc Col, free mrket ideology nd Bruce Willis. Every stte hs hd tste of relentless, technology-enhnced consumerism, free mrket democrcy promoted by dvertising so cretive, so well done, tht no culture is