Saturday, February 22, 2020

Cross cultural pragmatics Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cross cultural pragmatics - Research Proposal Example According to the face-saving view, â€Å"face† is considered to be an equivalent of person’s self-image as, through interaction; it can be damaged, maintained or enhanced. On the other hand, the conversational maxim view provides a Corporative Principle (CP) through which individuals must follow the maxim of quantity, quality, relevance, and perspicuous. However, the view has been challenged for ignoring the non-cooperative behavior and setting moral maxims for proper language behavior. The major aim of the research study is to determine developmental progress in request strategies across cultures. The research study aims at addressing three research questions so as to arrive at a justifiable reason and recommendation. Therefore, the research question listed below will help in the determination of the research problem. As aforementioned, the research study will embark on questionnaire format as a Discourse Completion Task (DCT) in the research design methodology. The study examines the difference in Saudis in Saudi Arabia and Saudis who have spent at least five months in Australia against native English speakers. A total of 96 respondents from three different social status level , higher, equal, and lower took part in the survey: 30 Saudis (13 females and 17 males), 35 Saudis who have spent at least five months in Australia (18 females and 17 males), and 31 native English speakers (15 females and 16 males). Previous studies have shown a significant effect on request production based on speaker’s or hearer’s social distance, level of imposition, power, age, and sex. Therefore, it is important to keep the hearer unnamed to avoid such imposition. All the participants were of university level with an age bracket 18 to 35. As part of the survey, Saudis respondents were expected to complete questions with 20 different situations, regarding their degree of contact

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Pre-Incorporation Contracts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Pre-Incorporation Contracts - Essay Example Section 32A (1) (a) of the Companies Ordinance of Hong Kong contains the statutory provisions governing the pre-incorporation contracts. According to this section where a person or a promoter who enters in to a contract on behalf of the company as agent before the incorporation of the company, then that person will become personally liable under the contract unless there is an agreement to the contrary entered into between the company and such person. However it is not possible that a contract between the company and the person can be entered into subsequent to the incorporation which makes the company liable on the contract. (IQS) Normally a pre-incorporation contract is an incomplete contract. It is incomplete because it doesn't specify the obligations of the different parties under the contract in case it was not possible to form the company. Similarly it doesn't state the remedy for the other party in case the company after incorporation is not able to perform. Three different rules can be adopted to resolve the situation: The Jiangsu Province Higher people's Court of China had promulgated certain decisions and passed on some opinions in the adjudication of certain types of company law cases that can be taken as guide lines for the determination of civil liabilities in the pre-incorporation contracts. According to the Higher People's Court, a 'company being incorporated' refers to an organization which is formed to carry out the acts necessary for the incorporation of the company. It can be assumed that its existence starts on the day on which the execution of the company constitution or incorporation agreement takes place and ends on the day on which the business certificate is issued to the company. In this context the 'necessary acts' implies the legal and economic acts done for the purposes of incorporating the company and complying with the requirements for the establishment of the company in the Company Law of the People's Republic of China. The Higher People's court had expressed the following remarks on the adjudication of certain company cases: Where a promoter does a necessary act for the incorporation of the company in the name of the company, the legal consequence of such an act shall be borne by the company. Where a promoter does a civil act unnecessary for the incorporation of the company, in the name of the company, the creditor may hold the promoter responsible for the consequential civil liability. When the company after incorporation ratifies the act of