Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ethics Of Torture Who Are We Really Hurting - 990 Words

Torture is a heinous crime to anyone who is put under the duress of those who either get enjoyment or use it as a device for information gathering. In recent years it has been more in use as a focal point with the recent killings of aid and social workers in the Middle East and travelers that enter North Korea to state a message or obtain information. If the rules of the Geneva Convention do not apply, then what rules do apply? Ethics of torture: who are we really hurting? Conflict between consequential and rights based morals theories that are not new. In 530AD was the first recording of torture was originated, when the Roman jurists torture those who did not conform to their ideology or religion. A Roman catholic by the name of Demosthenes believed â€Å"no statements made as a result of torture have been proved untrue† ( It did have its critics, Aristotle was able to recognized the true nature of torture that, â€Å" those under compulsion are as likely to give false evidence as true, some being ready to endure to endure everything rather than tell the truth, while others are really ready to make false charges against other, in the hope of sooner released from torture†. ( Almost every dictionary that has been published in the last 3 decades has at least three different definitions of torture. Either it is a narrow point blank answer or the broad one, however it all means the same, cruel and unusualShow MoreRelatedWhy Torture is Morally Wrong2149 Words   |  9 PagesConsider the following situation: You are an army officer who has just captured an enemy soldier who knows where a secret time bomb has been planted. Unless defused, the bomb will explode, killing thousands of people. 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